Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Hate Shots

I hate shots and I didn't even get one.

Matthew needed two and Nicholas had to have four for kindergarten. I think getting shots is worse on the parents than it is on the kids. Matthew is this happy little baby who has no idea what is coming and Nicholas is too smart for his own good and I have to explain everything to him so he gets a lot of anxiety. First I had to hold Matthew down while he was crying and then I had to TRY and hold Nicholas down while he was crying. I hate shots.

I have to say they were both troopers and a trip to get ice cream afterwards really helped.

The rest of the day has been alright. Matthew has been fussy, but considering what a good baby he normally is, one day of fussy is okay. Nicholas is pretty drained and doesn't even want to go to his cousin's house, but that is alright. All in all, it is better than them getting really sick, but I still hate shots.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ahh! The Sweetest Thing

From about the time Matthew was born, he has always smiled in his sleep. Not just a grin an open, toothless, big smile. So today when he was sleeping he gave me a big smile, but that was not all- he started laughing in his sleep. It was so cute!

Let Him Eat Cake

Matthew was napping and Nick was entertaining himself so well that I was able to get a lot of work done. It was weird though-Nick usually interrupts me about every ten minutes, but today he wasn't. He was playing so quitely and for a long time. Then he finally came to ask me something and this is what I saw...
It was hilarious because he didn't know that he had the cake all over his face. So when I asked him if he had been eating the cake he said, "No, I was just eating the frosting." How could I be upset, I had been sneaking the cake all day too, but at least I didn't leave the evidence on my face.


Nicholas has started to read. He has already passed off 36 site words and today he passed off his first book. I am so proud of him and I can tell he is very excited about reading. I think he understands the power of being able to read. It made me realize how I take being able to read for granted. I am greatful for my parents and teachers that helped me learn how to read. It is such a great gift.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Discoveries

Matthew has discovered his toes. It first started with a pair of pajamas with Winnie the Pooh faces on the feet. He would lift up his feet and get excited at the faces that were staring back at him. Now it seems like every time he is on his back he is looking for his toes and grabbing onto them. He has also discovered his thumb. He has liked sucking on his fingers for a while now, but he has figured out how to get just his thumb in his mouth. Nicholas never sucked on his thumb, so this is new territory for us. I'm not sure if it will amount to much, but for now we've got our first thumb sucker or I really should say thumb chewer.